Kids Dance 孩童蹦跳轉

課程 May 05, 2021

Objectives 目標:

  1. To promote the health of kids 促進孩子健康
  2. To build up bodily coordination 建立肢體協調
  3. For FUN and making friends (teamwork) 建立友誼(團隊合作)
    (p.s All activities will be held under safety precautions 具安全預防措施)

Date & Time 日期時間 :   逢星期六  現在 至 八月  from now to Aug 2021  Every Saturday
D1:  1500-1545 age 3-4 歲
D2:  1545-1630 age 5-6 歲
D3:  1630-1800 age 7-10 歲 ** 2 sessions

Apply here:👇 (教育局一站式學與教資源平台)


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